We are the only company specialized in figure skating insole design and production. Skating insoles prevent injuries and improve performance by correcting your foot alignment in your boots. To optimize your figure skating training, good foot alignment is very important, especially for the current figure skating generation who wants to challenge themselves to do triple axels and quads in the future. Much foot pain, discomfort, imbalance, and injuries will be improved and/or prevented by using proper figure skating insoles.
For beginner and hobby skaters to protect your foot and also to balance well
For skaters who go to competitons. You can apply customized parts based on your foot types and also for your personal needs. Design Patent and international patent apply to this product.
VIEW MORESK8INSOLL® 3D Foot Print Custom Insoles
We will send you 3D Foot Print Box to measure your foot. Now we can make complete custom SK8INSOLL by online order internationally.
VIEW MORESK8INSOLL® A.I. Foot Analysis Custom nsoles
A.I. Gait and Posture analysis evaluation result will be applied to design your skate insoles. This service is available only in Tokyo, Oberstdorf and Figure Skating Boutique Toronto
VIEW MORESK8INSOLL® Dr. Foot Flexinfit Analysis Custom Insoles
Foot Dr. will analyze your gait and skate foot pressure map and we collaborate to design your insoles to perform your best. This service is available only in Tokyo
VIEW MORETOKYOINSOLL® ( Daily / Sports / Kids)
Daily shoes, sports and kids insoles. This is something you want to try when you are new for insoles to prevent injuries and for a young child who wants to be a high performace athlete in the future.
Off ice training shoes, school shoes, fittness shoes, daily shoes insoles. You can apply custmized parts based on your foot types and also for your personal needs. Design Patent and international patent apply to this product.
VIEW MORETOKYOINSOLL® 3D Foot Print Custom Insoles
We will send you 3D Foot Print Box to measure your foot. Now we can make complete custom insoles by online order internationally.
VIEW MORETOKYOINSOLL® A.I. Foot Analysis Custom insoles
A.I. Gait and Posture analysis result will be applied to design your daily and training shoe insoles. This service is available only in Tokyo, Oberstdorf and Figure Skating Boutique Toronto
VIEW MORETOKYOINSOLL® Dr. Foot Flexinfit Analysis Custom Insoles
Foot Dr. will analyze your gait and foot pressure map, and we design your insoles to perform your best. This service is available only in Tokyo.
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