R&D 確認用ページ

R&D 確認用ページ

Analize Skating Movement

Analysis shows how figure skating foot pressure differs from walking, running, skiing

3D motion capture test to evaluate knee and ankle pronation correction with SK8INSOLL®.

SK8INSOLL Last Development

This is our team Foot-Japan’s top secret and skill :
Creating SK8INSOLL Last

Choose Material

We choose material specifically the best for figure skating movement.
Rigid plastic is uncomfortable and does not allow arch motion necessary for sports performance, while material that is too soft does not offer enough support to counter pronation. resist instead of counter
Foot pressure test results to evaluate material

Biomechanics Test

3D motion capture test to evaluate knee and ankle pronation correction

Chose the best material

We choose the best material for figure skating based on previous research of sports shoe makers and sports insole companies

Hand Made Molding

Hand Made SK8INSOLL at Foot Japan, Osaka
Ideal foot shape to support figure skaters’ movement

The SK8INSOLL molding is done by hand one-by-one in order to work for one-foot skating on the blade.
We developed special figure skating lasts that differ significantly from those for shoe or ski boots insoles.

This process cannot be done by mass production automated machines or 3D printers because we use 2 different layers to make you feel comfortable but have enough support.